Recently I was given great advice on how to get and stay in my unique abilities. The advice was focused on how you look at your life and job.
Most people look at themselves as a job label first and then they look at their contribution. A CEO will say, I am the CEO of XXX before he or she will state the value they bring to the world. This was me. I would respond to the question of what I do as, "I am the President of Sitkins International", or "The writer of Make the Noise Go Away", or other titles I have gained. Unfortunately, this focus on the job or product is forcing me into doing things that are not my unique abilities.
What should I say? "I am the voice". Let me explain the voice. The voice is speaking, writing, motivating, encouraging. The voice uses my unique abilities of creating intellectual capital and opening new files for people through my speaking and writing. My unique ability is my voice to others.
So why is this such a revelation and so important to doing what I do best? I am now able to look at the companies I work in, and the products I am involved with, and the world I live in (philanthropy as well) and be "the voice". That is my job.
My job is to be the voice at Sitkins International, Benefits Growth Network, Make the Noise Go Away, LGL Business Solutions, World Vision, and others. Now, this doesn't mean I am the only voice in these companies. It means I have to be focused on using the unique abilities and talents around the "voice" if I want to make the biggest impact for others and for me.
It is amazing how worthless I become when I get involved in the other stuff around the business. Now that I have identified this unique ability brand, I am free to do what brings the highest and best use of my abilities to the company.
My advice to anyone who wants to make a big impact on their work and world is to identify your unique ability and natural talent. Pull yourself back from the company title. Brand your highest and best use as what you do. Then serve your company with these skills. Treat it like a consulting gig that you only get paid for doing this skill. It will make a huge difference.