Let me warn you. If you have strong opinions one way or another and haven't read the bill... you won't like my blog. My blog is going to have positives and negatives to both sides of the legislation. I will be opinionated (that is what you get to do in blogs) and hopefully make you think. I am planning on having a lot of fun.
Some of the topics I want to cover are:
1. Republicans and Democrats can sure tell you their side of the story.
2. What should Christians think about HB3200? What should they think about health care? What should they be doing?
3. How will this bill impact insurance agencies?
4. The bill makes 32 million people eligible for healthcare, but, how many people will the bill cover?
5. If Social Security and Medicaid has been helpful to many people since inception but are about to go bankrupt, why isn't doing the same thing again such a bad thing?
6. Just do it! It worked for Nike, why shouldn't it work for Health Care Reform.
7. How do I take advantage of this legislation?
8. Look at all the new jobs that were created!
9. The Government is required to create legislation that impacts today and doesn't worry about tomorrow.
10. The future plan will be excellent because this legislation passed.
In case you are wondering what I believe about this legislation let me give you a few quick summary points about me and some initial thoughts:
1. I am a financial conservative.
2. I am a social moderate leaning toward liberal (Don't know how I could do anything different with my Christian beliefs).
3. I care about people and struggle with the fact that people don't have healthcare.
4. I am not an idealist. I am more of a social economist and I don't just think ONE DEEP in the area of cause and effect. I look at multiple levels of complexity to understand the outcomes of decisions and events.
5. I believe this bill is going to be a good thing. I don't think the bill is a good thing, but I think the bill is "going" to be a good thing. You will have to read more of my blog to understand why!
6. Insurance Agencies (Brokerages) will benefit from this legislation, if they know what to do.
Look forward to seeing you and watching your comments. Tell others about the blog. It should be a great conversation.
Rock on, brotha. Can't wait to hear your thoughts, even though you'll probably have to explain them to me over and over and over and.....
So far as I can tell the biggest downside is the lack of cost reducing measures like tort reform to offset the cost increasing things like pre-existing conditions, etc. Guess we'll have to keep our fingers cross that by forcing coverage on younger people who historically don't buy coverage it'll work itself out. Generally speaking I think this is a good thing, much like forcing people who drive to have liability insurance. Look forward to reading more of your thoughts.
I look forward to following and thank you for your efforts
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