Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Future of Employee Benefits Agencies... ahead or behind

AON purchases Hewitt Associates. How about that? AON is investing a lot of money to get deeper into human resources products and services to clients. We have been sending this message for 2 years.

Businesses want productive employees. They want a return on human capital. We have been encouraging brokers to get in the game and build your products and services to include helping businesses get a return on human capital.

Heck, read the posts below this one!!!

So, now one of the largest brokers in the country has invested heavily to be able to go tell that story. How will you compete? Will you begin to start looking for someone to partner with and be able to say ME TOO? Will you start to develop products to compete against them with your own in house person?

I actually have good news here. I know people at AON. They will not do a good job with this. They will have big egos and fight for who is in control and they will not deliver a product to the client at a high level. It will be a flop.

But, they will take some of your clients in the interim because of the energy and excitement of the new toy!

What must you do to get back out in front?

1. Get a human resource product that focuses on return on human capital.

2. Brand and package your unique process to bring a strong perceived value to the client.

3. Get people that can speak that language. Most benefits people can't even tell you what their clients do for a business. Understanding the return on human capital is foreign to anyone that doesn't understand the business model. Hire people that will understand the clients business and that can articulate the products you develop and package that address getting a return on human capital.

Unfortunately many insurance agencies were passed up at lighting speed with this move. I would say it is time to get moving and get back in front. I think AON made a great move. But I have watched them and other alphabet houses blow those moves before. They will probably do it again. But, others will not!

1 comment:

Enterprise Risk Rhoads said...

Larry, what a great topic. It isn't by accident that a large alphabet house invests in human capital to position themselves to fiercly compete in the new age of employee benefits. Because such a large investment has been made, I believe egos will be put aside, and the Aon's of the world will succeed in being the premier leader in people solutions. All the more reason to take your suggestions of getting serious in the area of return on human capital. I know I have. Thanks. Chet