Thursday, September 18, 2008

Its the Presidents Fault

I must say that as an ex Midland Texas boy that actually received help from President George Bush Jr. on homework when I was in high school, I am very disappointed in him as President.  I don't know what I don't know about the war.  That is a difficult thing to understand.  American's REALLY don't want to know what goes on in the world and how "at risk" we may be every day.  But, I find it difficult to believe we made all the right decisions in this war.

Let me get to my real purpose.  In the upcoming election we need to look at our arguments and be consistent.  If you are saying that the economy, the war, and the overall direction of the country is bad, the entity with the most influence and power in those areas is Congress!  It's not ALL the Presidents fault.  I am amazed that people in congress are actually pointing their fingers at the President and saying we need a change in President because the economy is bad.  Congress initiates policy, they write laws, they agree on tax programs, they drive the U.S. Policy.  The President can simply sign it into law or veto.  The President can make suggestions and introduce legislation but Congress has to decide if they are going to address something, or not.  The military is the only exception to this argument (and most of the military decisions still require congress approval).

So, if you think change needs to take place for the sake of change, CONGRESS needs to go back to Republican.  Don't let either of these POLITICIANs tell you different.  They are both going to represent change.  It will not be the same with either of them as President.  

What I worry about most is having any party in government with too much power.  If the Obama wins, the democrats will be able to drive any policy they want through the system.  Do you really want that?  If McCain wins, we will go into government deadlock.  That means nothing will happen.  I LIKE IT.  When was the last time the government made things better.

Aren't they the ones that created FINRA to watch over the securities world to make sure we were being protected?  Where was this government entity when crooks were selling off mortgage backed securities that had unqualified buyers in houses they couldn't afford? 

Our PRESIDENT (Republican) and CONGRESS (Democrat) put us in war, have extended our mortgage problem by giving a two to three month band aid to homeowners who will now go into foreclosure three months later, have stopped good wealth advisors from giving good advice while crooks took down our banking system, and have created a global hunger problem by driving incentives to farmers to stockpile corn and other agriculture for future fuels to "solve" our fossil fuel problems.

I say either keep em in deadlock or fire them ALL.  If you are going to vote for Obama because of "change", then your principles should have you replace your favorite Democrat in the House and Senate.  Keep em in deadlock!

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